from Jonathan Cainer:
(Mar 21 - Apr 20)
Your Week Ahead: "The world belongs to everyone, the best things in life are free." So goes the old Les Paul and Mary Ford hit. Paul pioneered multi-track recording. It was a very different world back then. An innocent, idealistic time. These days, though, the world still belongs to everyone in theory, in practice it belongs to a select few. Bankers. Teenagers. Religious fanatics. And the rest of us? Well, you are not at all sure the world belongs to you right now. Far from being free, the best things are not even available at a discount. Or so it seems. Sooner than you think, though, that should all change. Someone who has taken a lot from you is about to start giving something back. 2008 is nearly here.
(Apr 21 - May 21)
Your Week Ahead: Please come in. Take off your coat and lie back on the chaise-longue. You are a little late for your appointment, so we had best begin immediately. Tell me, please, were you happy in your childhood? How were things between you and your mother? OK. Let's stop here. I know you have come to me for a forecast, not a therapy session. But somebody, surely, needs to sit down and help you understand yourself better. Much is confusing you. As fast as you try to make sense of your life, a baffling new factor arises. This week you will start to get the help and assistance that you so much need. One very special person is about to make a world of difference.
(May 22 - June 22)
Your Week Ahead: Why can't you just wave a wand and have it all happen automatically? Why must you strive, struggle and suffer? Well, honestly. What a question! You may as well ask why you have to be hungry before you can go to a restaurant. You simply won't appreciate what's on offer if you don't recognise your own need for it. Currently, you are keenly conscious of an unfulfilled desire. That might be fine were it not for the fact that you are also under a lot of emotional and material pressure. Hence your sense of urgency. You feel you just can't wait much longer. I'd love to tell you otherwise, but you are going to have to hang on for a little while more at least. Don't worry.
(Jun 23 - Jul 23)
Your Week Ahead: Mars, the power planet, is no longer steaming through your sign. Instead, it is standing still and preparing to turn in its tracks. It is because of this change of direction that Mars is due to remain in Cancer right through till the end of the year and beyond. The symbolic implication is that you are being blessed with an enormous, ongoing advantage. You are not just becoming aware of a task that needs to be carried out; you are welling up with a deep determination to succeed at it. You can't get from here to where you want to be in a hurry but you can get there - and you will. You are becoming more powerful by the day.
(Jul 24 - Aug 23)
Your Week Ahead: Your dignity is important to you. You don't like to feel that you are being made to look foolish. You cannot quite understand, though, why a particular person is acting as they are. Are you being set-up? It may seem so, but there is no deliberate conspiracy here. It is more as if circumstances are conspiring to challenge your current way of looking at life. You need to move on and start seeing the world through different eyes. You won't seem silly if you explore a new perspective and adapt to the process of change. You may well, though, open yourself up to ridicule if you try to force some key factor in your world to stay exactly the way it has always been.
(Aug 24 - Sep 23)
Your Week Ahead: What do you do when the wind of change is blowing? Do you batten down the hatch and retreat to a place of safe shelter? Or do you put on a pair of wings in the hope that you can be blown to a better place? It depends, of course, on how happy you feel or how frightened you are. If you are truly content, you won't worry about some new development, no matter how potential dramatic. You will feel inclined to trust. But a benign cosmos has your best interests at heart. If you are worried, you will overreact to every slight variation on the usual theme. Small problems will start to look like big ones. This week brings something to celebrate, not to fight against.
(Sep 24 - Oct 23)
Your Week Ahead: Venus enters your sign this week. Happy birthday! I know that we are technically too late for this. A birthday is a solar return. It happens when the Sun comes back to the same part of the sky that it occupied on the day you were born. Because ours is a solar calendar, that happens on the same day each year. Venus, though, also has an annual cycle, albeit one that varies more. Often, Venus is in your sign on your birthday. This year, it is only just entering Libra now. The good times you have been dreaming of, the rewards you've been hoping for and the comforting exchanges you have been needing are all finally starting to make their way into your world.
(Oct 24 - Nov 22)
Your Week Ahead: Mercury is the planet of commerce and communication. Back in late September it entered your zodiac sign. Then it changed direction. Eventually, it slipped back out of Scorpio. It returns this week, and will remain with you until the end of the month. That's wonderful news. You are about to get your focus back. You can make yourself understood in situations where you have previously felt like a goldfish - wildly opening and closing your mouth - but making no sense to anyone. Need to negotiate a contract? Make a deal? Or create a more rewarding arrangement in a tricky area of life? No problem. A difficulty has not yet vanished, but it is fading fast
(Nov 23 - Dec 21)
Your Week Ahead: You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. You can take a teetotaller to a bar but you can't make them drunk. This week, we need to look at what's allegedly impossible and keep looking at it until we see a route to success. The world is full of people who think they know where their own limits lie and what their companions are restricted by too. How do they know this? It is a moot point. Just as a positive prediction can easily give rise to a self-fulfilling prophecy, so a pessimistic belief can turn into a miserable reality. You can do what you think you can do this week. You can't do what you think you can't do. So think positive.
(Dec 22 - Jan 20)
Your Week Ahead: When we don't know how to do something, we feel bad. Especially if it's something that we believe we ought to be capable of. Often, rather than learn the technique or discover the appropriate information, we turn and look in another direction entirely. We try to blank from our mind whatever it is that irks us. Often we are very successful at this. We can avoid an issue for weeks, sometimes even years. Sooner or later, though, life will put us in a position where we have to master the art. We may not enjoy this, but we will be grateful for ever after. You are now emerging from a tricky time. You may not yet know it, but you have made a brilliant breakthrough.
(Jan 21 - Feb 19)
Your Week Ahead: Some people argue, just for the sake of it. No matter what you tell them, they will find fault or a reason to suggest that things could have been better some other way. I'm not trying to suggest that you have such a tendency. I would never be so impolite. It is, though, just remotely possible that other people in your world perceive this trait within you. They are wrong, of course. They are at fault. They need to see you in some other way. But, if you want to improve a key relationship and enjoy all the material and emotional benefits that might be concomitant with such a change, it may be easier and wiser now to gracefully accept such a suggestion.
(Feb 20 - Mar 20)
Your Week Ahead: Some decades ago, Hollywood B-movies were full of invading aliens. They were coming to get us. There was no escape. Actually, we have nothing to fear from the other inhabitants of our galaxy. They, though, are terrified of us. Two headed creatures on the planet Zarg, threaten their children with tales of Earthlings. And the curse of endless complication that they carry with them, everywhere they go. It's true. As a race we are experts in the art of making easy things difficult. It is an innate ability and it is important that, this week, you overcome it! Something simple and sweet is starting to happen. Don't criticise or complain. Just trust.