by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
On August 1st, there will be a unique Solar Eclipse. Spiritual astrologers are indicating that this celestial event will open a window of opportunity during which the I AM Presence of every person on Earth will be able to enlighten the outer mind and empower the Divine Potential encoded within our RNA and DNA structures.
The effects of the Solar Eclipse will build in momentum for eight days until the Opening Ceremonies for the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games are always a very powerful time for the planet. They symbolically represent the Family of Humanity setting aside our differences as we come together, in Peace, to strive toward our highest level of excellence.
During this unprecedented Cosmic Moment, the Olympic Games will be more significant than ever before. It is not by chance that these Olympic Games are being held in China. At the moment, China is outpicturing the full spectrum of what is right and what is wrong with Humanity.
Pulsating in the Etheric Realms above China are the Etheric Temples of Beloved Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Divine Family Life. This selfless Ascended Being of Light is an exponent of the Divine Feminine. Blazing on the altar of Kuan Yin’s Etheric Temple is the Violet Flame of Mercy and Compassion. This is the Sacred Fire that will bathe the Earth and all of her Life during the Olympic Games.
On August 16, 2008, the Earth will be bathed in the Light of the most powerful Lunar Eclipse we have ever known. This will occur because, after all of the steps of preparation we have been through this year, Humanity will be vibrating at a frequency of energy, vibration and consciousness beyond anything we have experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago.
The Light will increase, until the first archetypes for the New Earth are anchored. These will be the archetypes for Eternal Peace and God’s Abundance. During the week, August 16-21, 2008, Lightworkers will work in the Eternal Moment of Now, so no matter when you can join in consciousness, your I AM Presence will weave your magnificent Light into the Cup of Humanity’s collective consciousness. Together, our Victory is assured.