Here's a couple I have found since joining:
1. Starting with
Home page (upper left hand top of page. Then, on right hand side, CLICK ON
View posts since last visit. Good place to start! (Sometimes PORTAL posts on the left are late, or confusing)
2. Sometimes time listed isn't clear, always check whether
online is showing if you want immediate response from post.
3. Hosting an image is sometimes difficult. is the host. Serverimg page is found by clicking on
Host an image box next to
'Quote. Serverimg page NEEDS post-er to set up hosting account first(its free) (when that is done you should see
MY ACCOUNT on left hand side of page), and make sure images you want it to host are either .jpeg, or .jpg or .gif images and keep the original on your own desktop. (you won't need to sign in or go to that page to have serverimg host your images. They will always be there (unless you delete them). (Also you should give your image a simple name when you store it on your desktop, otherwise it will search out and give you back confusing numbers you might mistakenly mis-copy and nothing comes up.
Once you choose an image to post, go to bottom of same Serverimg page and highlight the url address. Click copy, Go to spot on twohawksnest where you have started your post, and click paste. Make sure its on a separate blank line. Then highlight that, go up to top of window and click
Image box (next to
Link). Check preview and if ok then
4. To put a youTube video here, simply go to youTube page, click on embed (usually on lower right hand of video window (elsewhere on different computers) and click copy, go to twohawksnest page where you are creating post, and click paste. It should work.
5. Here is a .jpg image called stardancer. Its width is 150pts Use it, Celina, if you like for your AVATAR pic. (Go to your
AVATAR, follow instructions)
Anyone got some other tips? Have a great day! Bye for now! HGD, BFN......