Today is 25 years since a miracle of major proportions happened to me. I had been losing large amounts of pigment over the years due to a bacteria picked up on the beach of Morocco and Greece after a whole summer of sunbathing/good times, etc. My skin was so tender I chose to go to a specialist, who claimed there was a fifty-fifty chance the tincture of bergemot could restore the pigment. The bad fifty, was that I could have as a permanent condition, second degree burns and scars the rest of my life..
I got the latter. The medicine given did the opposite of what It was warned it might. It happened here in the states, having just been to the beach on the first day's summer after two weeks of using the tincture. I had blisters all over my body, couldn't sit, couldn't stand they were on the soles of my feet, too. I was in excruciating pain, had the only choice but to go to burncenter/cortizone/typical burn victim bandaging, etc, OR!!!
I remembered my best buddies friend, a Wasco native shaman/healer who had miraculously reversed (with prayer/chanting/touch healing) his son's swallowing of battery acid. Travis had no scars, no pain/ a real miracle you don't forget.
I told my family to take me to Jim's, not the hospital. They did.
Jim took me right away up to Ken Smith, the healer mentioned. He was home, thank goodness. In a matter of 24 hours in the same gentle way, he bathed me continuously with the whole tribes year's supply of Ghost Plant (I found out later), a powerful herb for everything from vision/cataract, woman's issues, and all kinds of skin wounds), great noble pine tree pitch and a wrapping with goose berry leaves, when he was finished doctoring me the next morning, all my SCARS, BLISTERS, EVERYTHING, was GONE. (I wasn't even red for more than two or three days afterwards, no remnants even today)
Ken also showed me how to find the ghost ploant, how to pray with it, and collect the plants most powerful) should I happen to find some.It was rare, and found usually in higher elevations, knowing I was embarrassed that he used all his people's supply on me.
Here I am, one year later not far from where Ken usually started his field trips, and stumbled on a whole patch of them! And I was only a block or two from where my car was parked, too.
I couldn't stay away from the woods in those days, in spite of my leg injuries, that old mountain goat I am *S*, and still on crutches from my motorcycle accident, re-learning how to walk all over again.
I finally was given the chance to pay back the whole tribe. I collected the right plants and placed it in two rather large size cardboard boxes came down the mountain, literally and left them at his doorstep. He wasn't home, so I just said a silent prayer of thanks.
As I said earlier, I found out, years later that I had replaced their medicine supply that afternoon with ten times the amount used on me. How's that, in return for the miracle that was offered to me? It REALLY shows how wonderful life can be, and has been for me throughout these last 25 years since that healing. " HEY, FOLKS, READ HERE ABOUT IT! MIRACLE SUPPLY DOUBLED TEN-FOLD, GET YOUR COPY! EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA!"
Every year at this time I am reminded how incredible life is, that powerful healers like my friend Ken, and many, many other native american shaman-healers are still around here to teach us the old ways of interconnection with all living beings. I wish there was a way to honor them better in this country. They surely are among the most powerful teachers of connectedness to The Divine and this incredible gift of unconditional love, OUR HOME, MOTHER EARTH HAS TO OFFER US HERE IN THE U.S.
He told me by his compassionate healing hands and heart, his deep faith in the oneness of it al1, that IT'S ALL OUR responsibility to help all living beings when we can, (That's THE CONTRACT we make with Creator God when we are born, in exchange for all this beauty, this medicine, this incredible planet of ours with all that it has to offer us-), WE CAN RECREATE OURSELVES ALL OVER AGAIN, IF WE REALLY WANT TO, BUT WE'VE GOT TO DO IT TOGETHER! Alone, we cannot. Alone, however, we are not.
It's that we FEEL ALONE, when we lose our faith in ourselves and the fact that the Great Creator/Mystery/ is still in charge, and The Universal plan is still in place, still working!!!!!!!
Aho! Happy May Day!!!!